Contact information

Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859 Sit Rd, Azusa New York

We are available 24/ 7. Call Now. (888) 456-2790 (121) 255-53333

Meditation pyramid


Asked to the team as a wish to better meditate, This meditation was made in such a way that the dimension of the pyramid of gizeh would remain during assembly but also be able to collapse it completely. By doing so the pyramid was able to be used every where depending on the size.

Product development consulting


When you are ready to start working on your product idea, it is important to also have a good design to market strategy. While this strategy is pretty much the same for all products, there will always be a difference between a big company and a start-up. At Skilled Brains we focus on the latter […]

Jewelry game packaging


Adblue spout


Adblue filling station


A concept for a AdBlue filling machine

2D drafting


The next step in the process is prototyping/manufacturing of the design. Whether you have old 2d drawings you want to update or you want to make the next step towards production, contact us to discuss the possibilities.



Graphic design


Improve your product, service or activity by making great visualisations! Contact us for more information.

Rapid prototyping


There are many ways to materialise your idea. At our workshop we have tools to make different prototypes and we also work together with small scale manufacturers so we can assure you that your concepts or small scale production can be manufactured for the best price.

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