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Môme cover

Deze tablet cover is ontwikkeld met de zorgwereld in gedachten. Omdat de markt zo niche is, maar wel veel eisen kent, ben ik op zoek gegaan naar het beste samenspel tussen tabletveiligheid, aanpasbaarheid en productiemogelijkheden. Het resultaat mag er wezen. Een uniek design van gesloten celfoam die je tablet beveiligd tegen valpartijen van maar liefst 2 meter. Voor elke klant makkelijk aanpasbaar én betaalbaar.

This cover has been developed with healthcare in mind. Because it is a small market but with high requirements, I went out of my way to find the best combination between tablet safety, modularity and possibility to produce in both low and medium quantities. The result is a unique minimalistic design made of closed cell foam that offers the needed safety for the product and the client, that is easily adaptable for every customer but most importantly affordable.

We learned

A product that does exactly what it has to do in a high requirement market for an affordable price.

From customers request to a producible product.

Lowering the price by producing with in house machines.

This product is constantly being perfected due to constant testing.
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